Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tobacco Free: Day 1

I've had this filthy, disgusting habit for over half my life. I started smoking when I was 14, and now, sixteen years later, I'm ready to give it up for good.

Smoking has been more than a bad habit to me. It has been my friend when I was in need, my crutch when I needed something to lean on, my calming agent when I was beyond stressed. I'm not sure what I'll turn to in times of need in the future, but I know that I don't want it to be smoking.

So what made me change my mind after 16 years? I know it's bad for me, and my 9 year old son is quick to remind me of that. My husband gags if I smoke in the car. My clothes stink. I can't taste food anymore.

I've tried to quit cold turkey in the past, but it didn't go well. I've tried the patch, but it gave me chest pains. I like gum, but nothing minty, so I never bothered trying that. This time around, I'm trying Chantix. I got the prescription filled a few weeks ago, but knew that I wanted to get through Thanksgiving with my favorite crutch - holidays are pretty stressful after all. I have to admit, it's working. Today is my first day tobacco free (you take the medication for seven days, and quit smoking on the 8th). I don't find myself craving a cigarette, and the smell of smoke makes me nauseous.

My family is thrilled and supportive of my decision - and they're giving me plenty of space today. I'm cranky, but at least I'm tobacco free! I'll be sure to update on my progress. Wish me luck! If you have stories about your battle to quit smoking, please share!


Jim said...

You go Lis!! You can do it!

Heather said...

Hi! I quit smoking about 14 years ago. My Father died of Emphysema after many years of smoking, and I saw what it did us to watch him die like that. I just lost an Aunt last week to Empysema as well. Best of luck on quitting smoking...I know your family will be proud of you for quitting!

Well, that's not the reason I stopped by. I wanted to thank you for the post about The Gift Closet. Also, I see you make jewelry....very pretty!! If you ever want to promote your etsy site on The Gift Closet, let me know.

Thanks again & have a great day!


Sylvia Allison said...

Love your blog and enjoy reading past postings too...
I was a heavy smoker for over forty years. Tried so many things to quit & never did until Chantix! I am on my second year of being a NON-SMOKER as of July 27, 2007 and would highly recommend this product to anyone (Who Wants To Quit)!!! I just used the first package and had no desire for a smoke after the third week. After passing the left overs to my sis she had doctor to write prescription for the first package and failed; after a year she still continues to smoke.
I will be reading your blog and checking on your progress and God Bless You for wanting to quit!
I am addicted to making jewelry now and would love for you to see my progress after I stopped smoking...
Take care and will visit often.