That's right, you heard me 2008 - GOOD RIDDANCE! My first introduction to you was with a slightly sprained ankle due to the ice on the sidewalk on the way to my sister's house last New Year's Eve. That's right, I said it was the ice's fault - it had nothing to do with the margaritas I drank that night. 08.08.08 was supposed to be a GREAT day for me - one that I had looked forward to since my 20th birthday. I was turning thirty on this numerically blessed day. Well, let me tell you something 2008, you really let me down. Turning thirty was a turning point of epic proportions. Within weeks of that dreadful day, I lost my closest cousin after a long battle with diabetes. Weeks after that, my great-uncle passed. Fast forward less than 4 weeks, and my husband has a stroke on the way home from work. Suck it, 2008. You were no friend to me. You didn't do me any favors, and I will be glad to see your sorry ass in the history books.
That reminds me. 2009, we've gotta talk. If you even think about pulling the same crap on me that 2008 did, well I've got news for you, buddy... Not happening. I won't let it. After a year like 2008, I think my family and I deserve better! I'm not expecting everything to be sunshine and roses, but you can at least give us better than 2008, right?!
To all of my readers out there, wishing you and yours a safe, healthy, happy, prosperous 2009! If you're venturing out this evening, designate a driver!
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Good Riddance, 2008!
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Monday, December 29, 2008
Weekend Winners at Sunshine & Lemonade
Kat at Sunshine & Lemonade is hosting a really fun giveaway this week. The lucky winner will receive a board game, book, movies, and snacks - everything that you need for a night of family fun! Check it out before January 2nd (when the contest ends) here!
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Sunday, December 28, 2008
Back To The Grind
Today is the last day of vacation from my regular 9-to-5. Tomorrow, I reenter the fabulous and unforgiving world of inventory control once again. Double joy for me over the next few weeks, as I'll be dealing not only with month-end, but year-end as well. Did I also mention that my boss has added a January trip to our newest plant in Louisiana? You know, because flying out of Chicago in the middle of winter is oh-so-much-fun... At least I'm still on break from school for the next week, so I'm hoping to find time in the evenings to create some of the new ideas that are in my head for pretty bracelet and candle jewelry designs.
I just finished submitting my entry for Cafe Handmade today - please be sure to check out the site over the next coming weeks. It's a virtual craft fair of sorts, and there are some great finds on there (I've already started my birthday wish list, ha!).
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Saturday, December 27, 2008
Mama Needs A New Coffee Maker!
I've recently become involved with a group called SITS (The Secret Is In The Sauce). It's a group of blog readers and comment supporters, and really a bunch of fabulous folks!
This month, they are giving away a Keurig Platinum Brewing System. I'd like to encourage all of you to participate here, but if you don't, it's ok - better chance for me to win :)
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Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas!
As I watch "A Christmas Story" for the umpteenth time, and get ready for bed, I leave you all with warm Christmas wishes for a wonderful holiday!
Merry Christmas!

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Saturday, December 20, 2008
Our Annual Gingerbread House
Every year, my son and I labor to create a gingerbread house for the holidays. This year, we even made the effort to create one for Halloween, although you won't find me posting pictures of that failure anytime soon. This isn't one of those projects that I create from scratch - I want to enjoy the decorating part, so I buy kits where the gingerbread pieces are baked and precut. I've tried the Wilton and Willy Wonka kits in the past, but this year decided to give the one I found at our local grocery store a try. It's made by a company called Create A Treat and it was by far the best kit we've ever used. The icing is premade, so you don't have to worry about getting it to the right consistency. The kit also comes with a slotted try, making construction very easy. We had so much fun making this one and are looking forward to trying more of their kits in the future.
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Thursday, December 18, 2008
I'm Geeked!
This is Malcolm, The Anti-Work Monster. I found him while my mind was aimlessly wondering through the world wide web and I absolutely love him. How can you not love something called "The ANTI-WORK Monster", seriously?! Unfortunately, I have only found him in a flickr slideshow, and I'm anxiously waiting to hear from his creator to see if she could make one (or ten dozen) for me, too! Keep your fingers crossed for me - if I find out how to get my hands on these things, I can just envision lining my office walls with them, mailing them to my co-workers, making them my business card holder (I'd just stuff my cards in the back of his tighty-yella's there!).
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Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Blog Carnival: Christmas Spotlight!
I decided to compose my monthly blog carnival submission for etsyBloggers as a spotlight on some of my favorite Christmas items from other etsy shops. Please take the time to visit these shops and please remember etsy for your future shopping needs - Buy Handmade!

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Monday, December 15, 2008
Winter in the Midwest
A friend of mine (whom seems to be serving as a good source of inspiration for me lately) wrote earlier today about a snow day in Beaverton, Oregon. I couldn't help but to giggle as I commented on his post. It seems as though Beaverton was getting a couple of inches of snow. Here is an excerpt from my comment:
"See, here in the Midwest, we measure snow by the FOOT. Snow days are for wusses, and are only called if it has snowed more than 2 FEET in less than four hours... I swear! As for temperatures, we had a sweltering 51 degrees with thunderstorms last night - followed by a devastating 6 degrees this morning (-20 with the windchill)... So my entire car was under a quarter inch thick layer of ice this morning... fun stuff, indeed!"
The sad thing is that this is just a very slight exagerration. It really was 51 degrees here last night... and it really was in the single digits this morning... and it really was in the negatives if you took into account the wind chill. I really did have to chip away the layer of ice that froze my car door shut. Then I had the pleasure of scraping the INSIDE of my windshield so I could see to drive.
My cousin from Florida will be spending the Christmas with us in Indiana this year. Her teenage kids have never seen snow before and they're looking forward to all of the joy that snow brings... you know, stuff like building snowmen, sledding, snowball fights, snow angels... LOL. Of course, this is if we have snow at all! The weather in the Midwest only comes in extreme form. Right now, we have no snow on the ground due to all of the rain and the warm temperatures this past weekend. Chances are that we won't have snow for Christmas unless we get four feet of it in a storm that buries us all for days. I could wish for snow for her, but then she gets to leave a couple of days after Christmas. Instead, I think I'm going to wish and dream about warm weather on a beach in Mexico.
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Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Prop 8: The Musical
A dear friend of mine (much love, Jims!) posted this video on his blog and I wanted to share it with my readers... plus, I'm a huge Jack Black fan. Ladies and gentlemen, I proudly share with you...
"Prop 8: The Musical"
**Note: I tried to embed the video, but it didn't agree with my blog layout, so please click the link above!
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Thursday, December 4, 2008
Update: Day 6, New Products & Special Savings for Blog Readers!
First, the tobacco-free update! I'm proudly on Day 6 of being tobacco free! I have to admit, I feel fantastic. I still have cravings, but they aren't as strong as I thought they would be. I keep myself busy and pop in a piece of sugar-free gum when I feel them the strongest. I think the cold weather outside and the fact that I'm at the busiest time of the year for my job really helps. At home, I'm busy with Christmas preparations and school work. I won't say that it's easy, but I will say that it has been totally worth it! I can smell and breathe so much better now! A deep breath isn't a laborious effort any longer! I'm excited to do some outdoor activities in the spring, now that it's not such an effort to just make it up stairs without losing a lung on the way!
I took advantage of having a week-long break from school for the Thanksgiving holiday to do some beading. A few months back, I had created a pretty pastel crystal beaded memory wire bracelet. In my haste to get the house clean one day, I snapped the bracelet onto one of my glass votive holders, and didn't give it a second thought. My husband went on a candle binge a few days later (he loves to light every single candle in the house, and snuggle up to watch our favorite shows - I'm a lucky gal that way!). He lit the candle inside the votive holder with the bracelet still wrapped around it and we were both impressed with the way it looked. The candle flame and the crystal caused these beautiful sparkles to dance around our walls... and "Candle Jewelry" was born...
I have made several different designs for this new line already... The best thing is that Candle Jewelry doubles as a bracelet! What a great gift idea! Most women I know love jewelry or candles, better yet if they love both!
I have posted them all in one etsy listing, but will take the time to break them out into individual and custom order listings later this week (I'm hoping I can squeeze in the time!). For a preview, please visit my etsy shop!
As a special bonus for my blog readers, enter code "BLOGGER" in the comments section of your order at the time of checkout and received 25% OFF! Offer valid through 12/10/08.
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Monday, December 1, 2008
Twelve Days of Christmas: Giveaways from The Gift Closet

I've recently discovered a great blogger: Heather at The Gift Closet. Starting today, she is hosting a series of giveaways celebrating the Twelve Days of Christmas.

For more information on how to win a $25 gift certificate from ScribbleItOnline to use towards the purchase of an adorable item such as that listed above, visit her blog today!
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Facing AIDS: World AIDS Day 2008

Please join me in recognizing the 20th anniversary of World AIDS day.
Worldwide the estimated number of people living with HIV is over 33 million. An estimated one million Americans are living with HIV.
Join the “Facing AIDS: World AIDS Day 2008” Campaign
In four easy steps, you can help reduce the stigma around HIV/AIDS:
- Take a picture of yourself wearing a red ribbon. Be creative!
- Add the photo to your social network profiles, Twitter, blog, and/or website before December 1. Leave it up for at least a week.
- Add your photo to the “World AIDS Day 08” Flickr group!
- Encourage your friends to do the same and to promote HIV testing!
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Saturday, November 29, 2008
Tobacco Free: Day 1
I've had this filthy, disgusting habit for over half my life. I started smoking when I was 14, and now, sixteen years later, I'm ready to give it up for good.
Smoking has been more than a bad habit to me. It has been my friend when I was in need, my crutch when I needed something to lean on, my calming agent when I was beyond stressed. I'm not sure what I'll turn to in times of need in the future, but I know that I don't want it to be smoking.
So what made me change my mind after 16 years? I know it's bad for me, and my 9 year old son is quick to remind me of that. My husband gags if I smoke in the car. My clothes stink. I can't taste food anymore.
I've tried to quit cold turkey in the past, but it didn't go well. I've tried the patch, but it gave me chest pains. I like gum, but nothing minty, so I never bothered trying that. This time around, I'm trying Chantix. I got the prescription filled a few weeks ago, but knew that I wanted to get through Thanksgiving with my favorite crutch - holidays are pretty stressful after all. I have to admit, it's working. Today is my first day tobacco free (you take the medication for seven days, and quit smoking on the 8th). I don't find myself craving a cigarette, and the smell of smoke makes me nauseous.
My family is thrilled and supportive of my decision - and they're giving me plenty of space today. I'm cranky, but at least I'm tobacco free! I'll be sure to update on my progress. Wish me luck! If you have stories about your battle to quit smoking, please share!
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From My Family to Yours...

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Human Touch Designs
Monday, November 24, 2008
etsyBloggers Featured Artist of November: Storybeader
The etsyBloggers Street Team features an artist on a monthly basis. This month, we are featuring Deb of Storybeader. Deb takes jewelry to a new level by creating a haiku for each piece of jewelry that she creates.
Please, take the time to check out her shop by clicking on any of the items below:
For more information on Deb and her beautiful jewelry, please visit her blog!
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Thursday, November 13, 2008
Blog Carnival: Thanksgiving Traditions
Thanksgiving is just around the corner - two weeks from today. Internally, I'm already panicking at the thought of concocting another stellar dessert recipe for my family gathering. In the past, I've played the part of hostess, but now that we are in a smaller home, we just don't have the room to accomodate our growing family. Instead, we'll trek over to my aunt's house and spend Thanksgiving with my mother's family. This is something we all look forward to. My Aunt Sharon and Uncle Pete are wonderful hosts. Their basement is the stuff that kids' dreams are made of - complete with an XBOX360, Playstation 3, Computer, Ping Pong table, Pool Table and even foosball (have I mentioned that Uncle Pete is a pretty big kid himself?!). Unbelievably, there's still room for the youngest kids to run around down there. Needless to say, nobody complains about spending the holidays at Pete and Sharon's!
My husband and I usually spend Thanksgiving morning together - nuzzled up with our coffee and my famous french toast (made with Hawaiian bread - so yummy!). In the early afternoon, we'll make our way to Michigan City and pick my son up from his dad's house. He'll be stuffed full of turkey and pumpkin pie by then, but he'll be anxiously awaiting our arrival so he can play with the rest of the kids in the basement. Upon arrival, I'll face the inquistion - everyone wants to know what I made for dessert. The men and kids will head to the basement while us women tend to the kitchen and catch up on family gossip. When the turkey is ready, Uncle Leon will take on the carving duties. After stuffing ourselves full of yummy dishes, we'll all retreat to the basement to make fun of each other while playing Rock Band and pool. A glass of wine or two later, we'll discuss where we'll be heading in the morning for Black Friday shopping. Feeling like overstuffed gluttons, we'll head home and get some early rest to prepare us for shopping in the morning.
Thanksgiving weekend is when we'll put up our Christmas tree. I've done real trees in the past, and never again! I hate the smell of pine and I hate the cleanup of needles and the incessant watering even more. Fake for me, please. Luckily, we purchased a fake tree last year - so it's just a matter of assembling the darn thing, slapping the ornaments up and admiring our handiwork. We'll celebrate with hot chocolate and the Alvin and the Chipmunks Christmas CD...
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Can we get back to normal now?!
First off, can I just say that I am beyond happy that the election is over! I felt like a zombie sitting through all of the political ads - and since I live in NW Indiana and get Chicago stations, most of them were for people that I couldn't vote for anyways...
Things are starting to return to "normal" in the Human household. Tim has been released by his neurologist and family doctor to return to work. They're pretty amazed at his post-stroke recovery. Besides his MRI, he shows no signs of having suffered from a major stroke. In the midst of all of his testing, it was discovered that he has PFO (Patent Foramen Ovale). While this is a fairly common congenital heart defect that affects about 25% of the population, it is also what allowed a blood clot to get to Tim's brain, causing the stroke. We have an appointment with a cardiologist (yay, another new doctor... sheesh) at the University of Chicago on November 18th and will then discuss whether the hole in Tim's heart is large enough to where he needs a device implanted to cover the hole, or if medication will be sufficient. Sounds like loads of fun, eh? He's understandably freaked out, but is otherwise doing just fine... We're hoping he'll be able to return to work next week under a restricted schedule (no more 16 hour days!!!).
I'm back in school after dropping my current class when Tim had his stroke. In February, I'll be caught up with my core group. I'm taking ENG140 - Communications I, which is probably why I haven't been posting much lately. I'm just truly sick of writing. It's one thing to do it for fun and to share my life with a bunch of strangers... but doing it because I have to... well, that just sucks the fun out of it.
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Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Friday, October 31, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Featured etsyBlogger: Jen of Baby Friendly Beads & Mama's Magic Studio
Every month, etsyBloggers features one of their members. The featured member for the month of October is Jen of Baby Friendly Beads and Mama's Magic Studio.
At Baby Friendly Beads, Jen features beautiful, functioning breastfeeding necklaces and bracelets. Here are some of the items that you can find in her shop:
At Mama's Magic Studio, Jen features fun, whimsical jewelry including "fraternal" earring sets. As Jen puts it, they're not identical, but they are definitely a pair! Here are some of the fun items you can find there:
For more information on Jen and her creations, please visit her blog at
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Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Hectic Times...
So, the last few weeks have had me reeling... Everything was going pretty well for us until October 9th. It started like a normal day. I headed off to work in the morning and received a call mid-morning that our family dog, Mosey, was in a bad way. We had known this was coming, and my family was prepared to let her go. I headed to my mom's house at around 11:00 to gather with my parents and siblings. Mosey passed away just after my dad arrived. She was such a great dog and had been with my family for fourteen years. I returned to work, saddened and depressed. My mom called me at around 3:00 to tell me that my aunt had given her a puppy. She was so worried that we would think she was some kind of terrible person for accepting a new puppy on the very day that we had lost Mosey. I told her she was crazy and that I would stop by after work to meet the new addition.
I spoke with my husband, who was finishing up his work day. It was about 3:45 and we agreed that I would visit my mom, pick up dinner on the way home, and wake him up when I arrived. I got off work at 4:00 and headed to Mom's house. I literally walked in the door, saw the new pup sleeping with my dad and heard my cell phone ring. The worst moment in my life to date came next.
My husband's boss was on the other end of the line, telling me that my husband, Tim, was trying to get in touch with me, that he sounded bad. Utterly confused, I asked if he was joking. He informed me that he was not, and that Tim was waiting for me at the old Drive-In on Hwy 212. Then he told me that it sounded like Tim had a stroke.
I can't even tell you how I made it to the Drive-In, or what happened shortly thereafter. I can tell you that I rushed Tim to the emergency room. After a horrible night, they diagnosed him with a stroke the next day. He went through a few days of tests at the local hospital before they released him to my care on Sunday afternoon. We followed up with a neurologist at the University of Chicago last week, who sent him for additional tests yesterday afternoon. We'll get those results when we return to Chicago next week.
I am extremely happy to report that Tim has made huge progress in his recovery. Initially, his motor skills, speech, right side, and vision were affected. As of today, he still suffers from terrible headaches and has some blurriness in one of his eyes, but he has otherwise made a full recovery. We feel extremely blessed and have found new appreciation for each other and the life that we are lucky enough to share.
Of course, things have been nuts lately. I've had a hard time coping, but I'm doing better. I'm trying to focus on the positive things: his recovery, our time together, the new-found appreciation we have. It's not easy, and I still have moments where I want to regress to a crying, screaming, angry person - questioning the why's and angry that our lives have been turned upside down again at a point where we were finally finding financialy security and stability. It'll take some time to get used to the way things are right now, but we're tough. We're Humans, after all...
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Thursday, October 2, 2008
My 9 to 5 as an Inventory Control Specialist
So, my working hours aren't exactly 9 to 5, but the you get what I mean. I have this great title where I work - "Inventory Control Specialist". Sounds fancy, eh? Well, here's what all of that really means... I am responsible for the integrity and accuracy of the inventory for four chemical manufacturing plants and one corporate location in the states of Indiana, Ohio, Louisiana, and Maryland. I travel quite a bit to these locations in order to ensure that I am on top of of the issues that affect each of these plants.
I work for a chemical manufacturing company that produces chemicals used primarily in water treatment plants and catalyst manufacturing for gasoline. I deal a lot with chemical vendors, ensuring that our prices are correct and that those prices are correctly reflected in our Costs of Goods Sold. The software we use is a huge pain in the hiney. It was implemented poorly and so a lot of my job entails me playing clean up. Lots of accounting, lots of cost analysis, and lots of paperwork!
I really love my job and I'm currently going to school to complete my degree in Accounting with a focus on cost accounting - a big promotion is in store for me when I finish, so the next two years are going to crawl by, I'm sure! When I'm not traveling, I work in a small office at the site of our plant in Indiana. I think the biggest bonus for me is that I get to wear my super comfy jeans every day, ha!
Here's a picture from a training session in December 2007. That's me, second from the left!
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Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Hi everyone! I made the decision this week to get serious about my blog. Ok, not "serious", but at least active once again. It's hard to blog when you're trying to focus on something in particular all of the time. The initial purpose of my blog was purely to promote my jewelry. Guess what? It's not so much fun, and not all that interesting to read about. So, while I may throw bits and pieces about my jewelry in the mix on occasion, I've decided to take this thing in a new directions. So, bear with me... hopefully this won't be too bumpy of a ride!
My first step in taking my blog in a new direction was to join the etsyBloggers Team. I just joined this week and already the team members are helping me to get into the swing of things. In fact, Jackie from A Keeper's Jackpot tagged me. What's that mean, you ask? Well, she was "tagged" by another blogger to basically respond to a fun question. In turn, she answered the question and tagged five others. One of those five was little ol' me! Now it's my turn to shed a little light on six secrets you might not have known before:
1. I'm a control freak. It's hard for me to let others help with projects, because I've become so self-sufficient in my 30 years on the planet. I don't like to rely on others because I'm afraid of being disappointed. I'm back in school now and working on group projects is like pulling teeth. But, I'm getting better... I think!
2. I hate to cook, love to bake. Cooking just doesn't do it for me - it's because I *need* to cook, I think - otherwise, my household would survive on grilled cheese and ramen noodle soup. I cook because I HAVE to. Baking is something I do for pleasure and everyone's happy with the end results - I mean, who doesn't love homemade sweets? Just ask my hips and the hips of my loved ones!
3. I prefer not to work for a large corporation because I don't want to work with alot of other women. Sexist? Perhaps, but I've found that once you get more than 2 women in the same office, all hell starts to break loose. That's not always the case, and I have had some positive experiences working with women - so please don't leave me nastygram comments about how attitudes like mine put the feminist movement back 50 years. But if you want to work with me, leave the catfights and gossip at home.
4. I hate crowds. This holds me back a lot. I don't mind crowds in open places like baseball parks or markets. A bar? No way! A club? Not getting me within 50 yards, I don't care how cool the place might be. If I have to go out to a place like that for a special event, I refuse to go alone - I won't even meet you there. I'll drive with you so that I'm not waiting in the parking lot for thirty minutes alone, waiting for you to show. Sorry.
5. I'm heartbroken that this season is the last season of E.R. on NBC. I've been faithfully watching the show (never missed a single episode) for what, 15 years now? My mom and sister are also E.R. addicts. I watched the relationship between Dr. Ross and Carol grow, the birth of Carol's twins, the deaths of Mark Green, Rocket Romano, Lucy Knight, Pratt, just to name a few. I feel connected to these characters and feel like I know them better than most of my present real-life friends. I don't mind the medical inaccuracies, I'm all about the story lines. My sister, mom and I are planning a party for the last episode - there will be many tears that night, I'm sure!
6. I can't swim. Mind you, I have lived nearly my entire life at the foot of Lake Michigan. Half of my family owns swimming pools. I'm not really sure why I was never taught or never learned. I'll go in a pool, but I'm the only adult that's clinging on to one of those pool noodles for dear life - it's quite an entertaining site to see, I'm sure.
Now it's my turn to tag five other bloggers, so here we go!
- Laurie from Laurie Beggin Glass Musings
- Mary Ann from Morning Sky Jewelry and Creations
- Eileen from Dorset Hill Beads
- Linda from Handmade By Linda
- Julie from Creative Mines
Now it's your turn to blog about six secrets about yourself! Happy Secret Sharing, ladies! Thanks again to Jackie for getting me off my duff and blogging again!
- Lisa
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Support the American Diabetes Association with your purchase!
Dear Friends,
In honor of my cousin who lost his brave battle with diabetes last month, I am raising funds for the American Diabetes Association. Diabetes has affected many members of my family, and I myself have "pre-diabetes". My father was diagnosed in recent years, and the disease also took the life of an my Uncle Marv in his early 40's.
Now through October 10th, 100% of the purchase price for all items listed in my etsy shop will benefit the American Diabetes Association.
Looking for another way to show your support? You can also sponsor me as I participate in the Step Out to Fight Diabetes walk in Mishawaka, IN on October 11th.
All purchases and donations are tax deductible, so please help to support this worthy cause with a generous spirit!
Have you been affected by diabetes? Please share your stories by commenting to this post.
With gratitude and love,
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Monday, September 15, 2008
On this day....
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Monday, September 8, 2008
Please support me as I Step Out to Fight Diabetes
Dear Friends,
This fall I'm taking a very important step in the fight against diabetes. I'm going to join 200,000 participants and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) to Step Out to Fight Diabetes.
Step Out: Walk to Fight Diabetes is a fund-raising walk, benefiting the ADA's mission: to prevent and cure diabetes and to improve the lives of all people affected by diabetes. Please support me by donating to my campaign.
I have several personal experiences with diabetes. My cousin, Tim Adrian, was diagnosed at the age of 14. He lost his battle with the disease on August 20, 2008 at the age of 32. I have also lost an uncle to this disease, my father is a diabetic, and I am personally considered "borderline".
Need more reasons to give? More than 20 million Americans suffer from diabetes, and another 54 million are at risk for developing diabetes.
Need another? It is fast and easy to support this great cause! You can make your donation online by clicking the link at the bottom of this message. If you want to do even more to help, please consider joining me in this great event. Our efforts will help set the pace in the fight against diabetes.
I appreciate your support and I'll keep you posted on my progress. Thank you very much!
Click here to visit my personal page.
If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:
Click here to view the team page for Team Timmy
If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:
Thank you for your support,
Lisa Human
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Human Touch Designs
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Treasury Feature!
Special thanks to Maria of Everything's Blue for including my Purple Rain Bracelet in her Purple Rain Treasury on etsy! I am proud to be found and featured! If you like it too, you can purchase it through etsy for only $15!
There has been a lot going on for me on a personal level lately, but I hope to be back up to blogging again soon.
Wishing everyone a safe, happy Labor Day weekend!
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Human Touch Designs
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Thoughts of summer's end...
As summer starts to wind down to the tune of children busying themselves as they prepare for the new school year, I've found myself comparing this summer to those of the past. This summer has certainly been busier than I ever expected, but it seems as though those around me have grown exponentially through all of the hustle.
My baby brother is preparing to leave for college in a few weeks - something that makes me immeasurably proud, yet saddened to think that we may not see each other often, or that he may never fully return to living in the area even after he graduates. There are twelve years seperating us, yet I feel closer to him now than I ever have before - he's grown into a mature, responsible, handsome young man who really seems to have his head situated properly on his shoulders as he prepares for his biggest challenge yet - full time college away from home.
My little sister graduated from college earlier this year, and while she took the summer off to spend time with her daughters, she will soon be faced with the everyday challenges associated with working full time, while balancing her new career with her family. I know she will be successful and that in itself makes me proud of her.
My second brother has also been through dramatic changes, none of which I'll drag out here, but if you read this Beaner (our nickname for him since he was a little kid, though I have NO idea why even to this day), know that I love you and I support you and your newfound happiness.
I sit here days away from my 30th birthday, which I suspect makes me even more reflective on my life and the lives of those who have such strong influence on me. To each of you out there, thank you for your continued love and support. I begin a new journey on August 27th - that of student again. I'm nervous and excited, naturally. I'll be finishing my Associates Degree in Accounting and moving on from there to earn my Bachelor's - which means that I will be a commited, full-time student again for the next four years! It's a wonderful opportunity and I'm ready to dive in - in fact, the 27th seems like an awful long time away, though I suspect that I should enjoy what I have left of my free time now.
My "boys" (hubby and son) are awesome and supportive. My son will be entering the 4th grade later this year and that alone makes me wonder where in the heck the last 9.5 years have gone. It's amazing to look at his baby pictures and video and compare those to the little man that stands before me now. He is certainly growing into his own person, complete with attitude and his own little quirky behaviors. I'm proud - couldn't possibly be prouder, I dont think! I just wish I could turn the clock back for one day so I could snuggle him up into my arms and sing to him the way I used to when he was a baby. I was his moon, sun and stars back then - and I miss those days!
We had a great weekend together, my "boys" and I. We took a drive up to Holland, MI and spent the day playing mini-golf, riding go-karts, and playing games for tickets which my son promptly turned in for a Spiderman dart-ball thingamajig. He really melted my heart though when he took the remainder of his tickets to buy a trinket for me - a really neat little keychain that looks like a mini lava lamp. He explained that it was pretty and purple, and so he thought it was perfect for me. He's always been a thoughtful little guy that way!
Wishing all of you a pleasant summer, or what remains of it.
Peace and blessings,
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Human Touch Designs
Thursday, July 24, 2008
I finally found the energy last night to sit down with my mounds of beads, unsold pieces, and a bit of peace and quiet. I reworked several of my pieces and even found time to create a new one or two. I'm hoping to take photos this weekend and have pics and listings posted to my etsy shop next week. I finished my first hemp piece (the one I created for my husband) and even moved right on to the next one - another hemp necklace, created as part of my brother's graduation present. I love both pieces and so do the recipients! My son even took an interest in what I was doing, and I've promised to show him the ropes (or cords, haha) when I start my next one.
We have a fun, relaxing weekend ahead of us. My husband and I don't get many weekends together, it's just the nature of his work. This will be our first planned weekend off together in almost four months, and we've packed it full of busy goodness! We're heading to South Bend, IN on Friday for a concert with some friends. Following that with a trip to the Battle Creek/Kalamazoo area for a chopper show on Saturday (for him) and a Renaissance Faire on Sunday (for me). We're both excited to be able to get out of the house and spend time together, and so I'm hoping the weather cooperates!
Wishing all of you sunny days, peace and blessings!
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Human Touch Designs
Friday, July 11, 2008
Unfortunately, the first casualty due to lack of free time has been my jewelry. I haven't completed a new piece, save custom orders, for a few months now - something that saddens me, as creating jewelry is a great way for me to let the rest of the world go and focus on something just in my hands. However, there is light at the end of the tunnel and I've recently acquired some new materials that I'm really looking forward to working with. I've also been toying around with hemp and natural beads and I'm quite happy with the results. I'm working on a piece for my husband, who is my most loving critic and cheerleader. While on our honeymoon, I purchased a Thor's hammer pendant for him, but he's never really liked the chain that it hung on - so I'm working on a nice hemp necklace with some accenting silver and I'm very happy with the way it's turning out - so perhaps this will lead to some new, natural creations down the road.
I’d like to take a moment to thank Laurie Beth Beggin, who is an extremely talented stained glass artist, for awarding me with the “Sweet Home Blogger” award. I’ll be sure to pass it along in the coming weeks. Thanks again, Laurie!
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Human Touch Designs
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Mother's Day Specials
Mother's Day is just around the corner. If you're still searching for the perfect gift idea for that special Mom in your life, consider a custom birthstone jewelry piece or bookmark from Human Touch Designs. All jewelry pieces are custom created to fit your requests! For more information, or to view examples of our work, visit our website at today!
If you place your order on or before Wednesday, May 7th, you'll receive 20% off your order!
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Human Touch Designs
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Check out my interview!
Greetings everyone! I returned from my trip to find a welcome surprise in my email inbox.Tammy of Ivonnardona's Creations has featured Human Touch Designs on her blog. Tammy is an extremely talented artist, as well as a fellow member of the etsyBEAD Street Team, and I urge you to check out her blog and her shop! The article/interview can be viewed on her blog here!
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Human Touch Designs
Back to normal!
Hi everyone! Sorry for my absence over the past few weeks. I was sent on an unexpected business trip to the east coast and I haven't been able to update since the preparation for that trip began! Now that I'm back home and settling into a normal routine again, I promise to be a more faithful blogger.
The etsyBEAD Street Team has decided to make their EBTW promotions a two-week campaign, rather than changing the theme on a weekly basis. I personally think this is a wonderful transition to make, as it will encourage more members to participate by giving each of us more time to prepare and create according to the theme! The current theme is "Charmed, I'm Sure". To see all of the wonderful offerings for the current theme, please click here!
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Human Touch Designs
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Spring Bouquet Treasury
As a member of etsyBEAD, I participate in weekly themed sales. This week, we have a really stunning collection of pieces that have been offered at discounted prices and/or with special offers. Please be sure to check them out. Signaturesterling was kind enough to include "Garden of Love" in her treasury. You can view the treasury here!
For a complete listing of all items in the etsyBEAD Spring Bouquet sale, click here!
And don't forget, the last day for the INCrowd "Wearin' o' the Green" scavenger hunt is Saturday, March 15th. Now go find those shamrocks!
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Human Touch Designs
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
The season is finally changing....
I've been trying really hard not to post about Spring, for fear of somehow jinxing the impending arrival of the warmer weather, the sunnier skies, or the cheerful chirping of birds in the morning. We've had two absolutely beautiful days of spring-like weather here in northwest Indiana, and I'm finally ready to break my silence (my apologies to fellow NW Indiana residents, as we're now almost certain to get another two feet of snow!). The time change has been unusually difficult for me this year - as the guys that I work with at my regular 9-5 can attest to! I don't think I've been on time a single day this week, and while I'm grateful for the extra sunshine in the morning, my body is screaming for an extra hour of sleep in the morning, and I have a stack of empty coffee cups to prove it!I'm working on a few custom pieces this week, and preparing for my son's 9th birthday this coming weekend - we're celebrating with our family with some yummy Star Wars cake and ice cream! We celebrated with Cars last year, as you can see from the picture above. I'd love to say I could take credit for the cute cake, but alas, I cannot! Thank goodness the local grocery store has a great bakery within to help me out when I'm in a pinch for time! I'm still undecided as to what to buy for him, but he's been certain to provide me with a specific list of ideas to help me out! He's a great kid, and I'm blessed to be his mother... I think I'm most devastated by the fact that he's halfway to becoming a legal adult, ha!
Wishing all of you a beautiful day, peace and blessings!
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Human Touch Designs
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Spring Bouquet
Finally, we arrive at Daylight Savings time, and though I'll miss that extra hour of sleep, I'm more than willing to trade it for that extra hour of sunshine! Winter is finally drawing to a close, and I couldn't be happier! We still have snow in the forecast here in the midwest, but thoughts of Spring and Easter (and my son's 9th birthday!) are floating in the air...
In celebration of the extra hour of sunshine, we have listed a few items at 20% off for etsyBEAD's ebtw sale entitled "Spring Bouquet". Be sure to check our sale out here!
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Human Touch Designs
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
New items & Treasury feature!
I've been a busy bee this past week and am slowly adding my new items to the etsy shop. I've been working with some more natural materials (I found some leopard jasper that I just LOVE!). I've also been using some magnetic clasps on a few of my new pieces, which are great for those of you that struggle with more traditional clasps, but don't want a bracelet strung on elastic cording. Be sure to visit to see all of our beautiful new pieces.
Special thanks to Lizzy of LRSOriginals for featuring "Garden of Love" in her first treasury. Be sure to check it out here!
Also, the Sunday Funtimers Bowling League at City Lanes in Michigan City will be raffling off one of my pieces in the coming weeks. Very exciting!
Also, be sure to subscribe to this blog to receive future updates right in your email box. You can also subscribe to the RSS feed! Peace and blessings to all of you - maybe if we collectively "think Spring", it will finally arrive here in the Midwest!
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Human Touch Designs
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
"Sunday's Best" etsy Treasury Feature
Special thanks to De Lavande for including one of my favorite pieces ("Garden of Love") in her "Sunday's Best" etsy treasury! It features some beautiful pieces handpicked by De Lavande from our etsyBEAD theme of the week sale. Please be sure to check it out here!
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Human Touch Designs
Sunday, February 24, 2008
EBTW "Sunday's Best" Sale
All items in this week's sale include free shipping within the United States, and discounted shipping to everywhere else! Plus, if you enter code "EBTW" in your comments at the time of checkout, you will receive a free gift to compliment your purchase!
To view our sales items, please click here!
To see all items offered in etsyBEAD's "Sunday's Best" sale, click here!
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Human Touch Designs
Friday, February 22, 2008
Website Update & New Treasury Feature
There's been a flurry of activity at Human Touch Designs within the past few weeks! Our official website has been launched and is constantly being updated to showcase our favorite creations and to give customers more information about our company. Please be sure to check it out at!
Our "Green Flora" bracelet has been featured in another etsy Treasury, thanks to vickiorion. Check it out here!
So, what is this etsy Treasury that I keep blogging about? It's a chance for fellow etsy users (both buyers and sellers) to showcase their favorite items for sale throughout the site. Treasuries are difficult to come by, as there are only a certain number available and they get snagged pretty quickly. So it's really an honor to be included in one! Thanks again, Vicki!
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Human Touch Designs
Sunday, February 17, 2008
EBTW "Green With Envy" Sale
This week only, from 2/17 - 2/23, Human Touch Designs is taking part in the etsyBEAD EBTW sale, "Green With Envy".
All items in the EBTW Sale section of the store have been marked down 20%. PLUS, if you mention code "EBTW" in the comments section at the time of checkout, you will receive a free gift with your purchase!
To view our sales items now, click HERE!
You can also view items for sale from other etsyBEAD shops that are participating by clicking HERE!
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Human Touch Designs
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
2nd etsy Treasury feature!
I'm extremely honored to be included in decmeadow's treasury, "There's More Than Corn In Indiana", which features some really beautiful items made by fellow etsy sellers residing in Indiana.
Check it out Here!
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Human Touch Designs
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Sign up for Special Savings!
If you would like to receive special coupons and notices via email, please send a message to me with your full name and email address. You will be able to opt out at any time, and we will NOT share your information.
Mailers will be sent no more than once per month and will showcase our featured items, special sales and discount codes.
- Lisa
Human Touch Designs
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Human Touch Designs
Monday, February 11, 2008
etsy Treasury feature!
Special thanks to Kim at ThePeachMartini for featuring one of my pieces in her "INCrowd hearts Etsy" treasury!
Check it out here!
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Human Touch Designs
Sunday, February 10, 2008
EBTW "Spring is in the Air" Sale!
This week only, from 2/10 - 2/16, Human Touch Designs is taking part in the etsyBEAD EBTW sale, "Spring is in the Air".
All items in the EBTW Sale section of the store have been marked down 20%. PLUS, if you mention code "EBTW" in the comments section at the time of checkout, you will receive a free gift with your purchase!
To view our sales items now, click HERE!
You can also view items for sale from other etsyBEAD shops that are participating by clicking HERE!
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Human Touch Designs
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Working hard!
Hi everyone! I've been working feverishly the past few weeks trying to increase my inventory and create some new, exciting items for the holidays and events ahead.
I wanted to remind everyone that 30% of the selling price on all cause/awareness jewelry is now donated to the appropriate organization/foundation. This means that $10.00 from every $30.00 purchase is donated to a very worth cause! Be sure to spread the word! I can also design bracelets and matching jewelry to help you raise money for your fund raising causes - this is a great idea to raise money for your favorite charity. Contact me for more information!
I'm also working on a few new designs for Mother's Day, including birthstone and family jewelry. Be sure to check out my shop for more information.
Beginning Sunday, February 10th, a new sale and theme pieces will be available as part of the etsyBEAD Street Team promotion. Be sure to check the website for more details!
Peace and blessings to all of you!
- Lisa
Human Touch Designs
Click here to visit our shop!
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Human Touch Designs
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Thanks for visiting! I plan to showcase my newest creations here, give you a heads up on upcoming promotions and sales, and you may even catch me ranting and raving about daily life!
Be sure to check out our online store at! With Valentine's Day quickly approaching, we have some beautiful bracelets in stock sure to win over your sweetheart. If you act now, there is even still time to order a custom piece of jewelry for your loved ones!
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Human Touch Designs